环列之尹: me help you. DO I EVER GET TIRED OF DROPPING EVERYTHING EMOTION TO SATISFY YOU? humans act in every predictable ways when they are frightened n that fear driving ppl as me go mad like never before, so i personally, act on fear, no one wakes up at 4 bc they are happy, i woke up 4 again this morning, having the dream i didnt remember, and checking things no longer important to me anymore, idk whats the point of living anyway, if i dont cherish every single momen then every passing secs is pure punishment, how am i gna live like that? for the rest of my life?? just fcking k1ll me already.. fear, for me, probly the single most strongest emotion, if i cant deal w fear..idk what i can do
烟雨离殇ゐ:周防正行拍片极少却难得部部精彩在日本这种高压力国家此类心灵放松的影片该是很受喜欢的同时还暗含中年危机婚外情等等役所广司 这个木讷的男人很精彩竹中直人主要负责搞笑也很成功草刈民代真是冷美人啊中间略有些闷这也是大部分日片的一贯问题但是88阅读网这个还是很值得一看的